We all know that residuary Andhra Pradesh (soon after Telangana was declared) was granted special status by the then Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh for a period of 5 yrs, which ofcourse Andhra representatives demanded for atleast 15 yrs. Somehow the politicians made everything in a hurry and then everyone kept quiet till date.
Cinema hero Shivaji is now on hunger strike to demand this special status to Andhra Pradesh. He chose Guntur district collectorate office as the venue. He says he is not against to any particular party or a person, however his demand is to achieve the promised special status to the state of Andhra Pradesh, without which this state might not see any development. And as a result, students and aspiring younger generations, farmers and industries might get into uncertain future.
Shivaji's hunger strike is now drawing firm support from some political parties and other sections. Mala Mahaanadu leaders, AAM Admi party, and Dwakra members are all in support of Shivaji. They all reached the Guntur's collectorate where Shivaji is on hunger strike. Students' union from various universities are also on way towards Guntur to meet Shivaji and take part in the movement. Its heard that police are trying to stop people from reaching this venue.
Special status to states means - boost the morale of people of those states, especially to the industries. The special status concept was first introduced in 1969 when the fifth Finance Commission contemplated giving preferential treatment to disadvantaged states. The preferential treatment includes grant of additional fiscal assistance and relief on some central taxes. Special status in the past was granted to Assam, Nagaland, and Jammu & Kashmir. Then another eight more states were added to this list - Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Sikkim, Tripura, and Uttarakhand. As of now, there are 11 states that fall under the special status category. Addition of Andhra Pradesh to the list will make the count 12.
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