Finally, Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput are officially Mr & Mrs Kapoor now. The newlyweds were spotted leaving for Mumbai on Wednesday July 8th. It was said that the wedding was purely a family affair and that only their family and closest friends were present. The venue of wedding had tight security. The wedding ended around 12:30 pm after which the couple sat down for lunch with family and their guru from the Radha Swamy Sathsandhyaz. Post the wedding ceremony, there was a grand reception at the Oberoi hotel in Gurgaon. Both the couple looked relaxed after the morning ceremony as they started mingling with the guests.
Shahid and Mira will be hosting a grand reception Mumbai on 12th of July, 2015.
Shahid and Mira will be begining their new journey at the actor's newly constructed house in Juhu, Mumbai.
Shahid and Mira will be hosting a grand reception Mumbai on 12th of July, 2015.
Shahid and Mira will be begining their new journey at the actor's newly constructed house in Juhu, Mumbai.
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