Brutality was at peaks when the Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Ganesh Joshi attacked Shaktimaan, the horse during a political rally organized by the BJP against the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand.
Jammie Wagan, an American expert, prepare an artificial before amputating Shaktiman's leg at Dehradun on Thursday. Doctors attending on Shaktiman said it will have to be seen whether the prop is strong enough to support the horse which weighs four quintals. Although the horse is now standing after the amputation surgery, doctors say "Long term success is yet to be seen"
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Shaktiman is a well trained horse and part of Uttarakhand Mounted Police for years.
BJP MLA Ganesh Joshi was arrested on friday on charges of assaulting the horse. He was arrested from outside a hotel in Patel Nagar area on basis of an FIR lodged against him and his associates.
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