Bollywood actor Salman Khan appeared in Jodhpur court on wednesday (Apr 29th, 2015) related to a case registered under the "Arms Act". The actor is said to have poached 3 Chinkaaras and a Black buck near Jodhpur in 1998 while shooting for a film "Hum Saath Saath Hain". (pic credits to
The forest department officials had registered a case against Salman under the "Arms Act" with the local police alleging that the licenses of the weapons used by him had expired and thereby making the use of weapons illegal. However Salman argued saying he applied for renewal of license for weapons soon after it expired and hence was not using them illegally.
While taking Salman's personal details, Chief Judicial Magistrate Anupama Bijlani asked him questions like "his name, fathers name, occupation, and other details" to fill in a legal form. When asked about his caste, Salman first responded he is an Indian. When the Chief Judicial Magistrate asked him again, he said he is both a Hindu and a Muslim. Further he explained that his father Salim Khan is a Muslim and Mother Susheela Charak a Hindu.
The next hearing is slated for May 4th, 2015.
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