Ashwarya Rai Bacchan who was last seen in Guzaarish is now all set to comeback on the silver screen after a wait of 5 years. Her comeback was much awaited and now the wait is over as the first poster of the movie Jazbaa is out. The film is an action thriller and reportedly featuring Aishwarya in a strong role as a lawyer while Irfan Khan played role of a suspended cop. The movie script is said to be inspired by Korean film "Seven days". The film also stars Anupam Kher, Siddant Kapoor and Chandan Roy Sanyal. The film is slated for release on Oct 9, 2015.
The film is being directed by Sanjay Gupta and he is the one who tweeted the first look of the film.
The film is being directed by Sanjay Gupta and he is the one who tweeted the first look of the film.
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