Ravi Teja starring Kick-2 was initially scheduled to be released on May 15th, 2015. However plans got changed. With Balayya's "Lion" still in the theatres and "Pandaga chesko" starring Ram to be released on May 29th, the Kick-2 team has finally decided to release the movie in theatres in second week of June, mostly on June 12, 2015. So thats some good news for Ravi Teja's fans.
Kick-2 is directed by Surender Reddy and produced by Kalyan Ram. Its also discussed that Kalyan Ram initially had plans to release the movie on May 28th, which is his grand father's birthday as well. The film's audio and trailers have been released and already has got tremendous applause. Its said that Kick-2 is a high budget film compared to any of the movies of Ravi Teja's or the movies that released in the banner of NTR Art Banners.
Interesting tidbit is Ravi Teja's previous hits - Vikramarkudu and Balupu were also released in the month of June. In original Kick movie, we all know that Ravi Teja played character of a man who did things to get some kick/excitement. Its said that in Kick-2, he is playing the role of a man who does things for his comfort.
Rakul Preet Singh is the lady in lead.
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