The Swacch Hyderabad campaign that took place recently was a 5 day event. People took part in the event and contributed voluntarily to clean and green hyderabad. After the 5 day activity, the Chief Minister of Telangana Mr. KCR met with all the representatives from 425 areas and took their advices and inputs that they received from the public.
One of the interesting inputs that he received was that to pull down all the political banners that are erected in mainroads and every street. These political banners and birthday banners have become a great nuisance infact. Infact there is a GO that is already in place to remove all these banners and cutouts on the roads but not implemented.
Whatsoever, Mr. KCR is comfortable with this input and has advised the GHMC commissioner to pull down all the banners that are put up in big sizes causing some inconvenience to the public. He also advised his own party members not to put up these banners again, and to rub off all those scribblings on the public walls too.
Infact thats the effect of Swacch Hyderabad campaign.
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